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Looks strange, but it’s true. Bodies don’t fall ill, its people who fall ill.
Body knows healing only. It doesn’t know to fall ill. Your Body is the best pharmacy in the world. It produces all necessary medicines it does require.
It’s not that virus, bacteria are strong and make us fall ill. Fact is, we are so weak that we fall ill.
If you cut your hand – it will heal automatically, unless you deliberately put dirt in it, or if your immune system is severely suppressed by your thought life resulting in some very serious illness that causes delayed healing.
It’s our toxic thought life which weakens the body’s immunity, and its natural healing capacity.
Yad Bhavam: Tad Bhavati (you are what you think). Think of garbage all the time. Yes, you will get garbage only. It’s GIGO, Garbage in Garbage out.
Illness is nothing but manifestation of what wrong happening in our mind.
Healthy life starts with happy mind.
Bible too says the something “A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing”
Toxic thought life or happiness, it’s left to one’s conscious choice?

Which one you choose?

Author: Bhujabali Bogar, Founder,
Happiness Engineer,
NLP & Wellness Coach @ Transformo Incorp, Bengaluru.